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"Get Hooked on Wisconsin"

One thousand fish in five days! Comments

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User: pocketfisherman
Comment: Johnny, how about having the aerobics class on the banks of the Charles River while catching 100k fish? I think we could do it!
Date: 07/16/13 07:01 PM

User: deaffisherman
Comment: haha pssh! You might! I'm surely dont want that!

In other note, I always get stripers every year. So, at exactly spot where I fished, there is no striper around there. due to warm water. Lot of dusky sharks and brown shark that being caught on shore or jetty. Last year, saw someone caught 6 footer brown shark... pretty awesome. (I personally haven't land that big shark on shore yet. only dogfish that reach 4 footer.)
Date: 07/13/13 09:55 PM

User: bass--man
Comment: I bet you would have caught a striper if you brought your mom along!
Date: 07/13/13 08:39 PM

User: deaffisherman
Comment: pocketfisherman - actually, someone can top that if they continue fishing more hours than I am. they are definitely still there! it was unlike past couple of years...
Date: 07/13/13 06:42 AM

User: deaffisherman
Comment: Bloomagoo - Haha yeah, it was during December to April. Not my strongest period of fishing. July-October is when I am on unstoppable streak.

Angler21 - Yeah, just wait and see when Comm striper bass season opener soon! After week, I'll post the picture of my thumb. haha
Date: 07/12/13 10:06 PM

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